Raffaele Riva is a cameraman and filmmaker who has filmed and edited over eighty documentaries. He has also been the cinematographer for many films and series. His latest film is The Voice from the Stone, which he filmed and edited. This is a gothic thriller starring Emilia Clarke and Marton Csokas. It tells the story of a cursed young woman who can't speak or move but still manages to communicate with people through her thoughts. Raffaele said...
Robert Kraft, the founder of Kraft Group, is a leading American sportsman and industrialist. He is also the founder of the New England Patriots football team. Kraft helped transform the Patriots Group to higher ranks, becoming a leading team in the National Football League. Kraft's father, also his mentor, was a businessman in the clothing industry. Robert Kraft attended Columbia University, graduating with a bachelor's degree in 1963. In 1965,...
Die Mitto AG hat heute die Ergebnisse einer Umfrage veröffentlicht, bei der 1.000 Amerikaner befragt wurden, um herauszufinden, wie die Kundenerfahrung die Toleranz gegenüber Lieferverzögerungen beeinflusst. Mitto ist ein führender Anbieter von globalen Omnichannel-Kommunikationslösungen, mit Ilja Gorelik als COO und Mitbegründer. Auch wenn die Kunden nicht viel Geduld für Lieferverzögerungen haben, führt ein gutes Kundenerlebnis zu...
People who have health keepers directions are typically new to fitness or haven't been following a healthy lifestyle. These instructions will help the person create a set of goals they may or may not have set, with exercises and recipes to help them reach their destination. When the goals are met, it will show them what they can do to continue keeping their health in check. It is meant for someone who is just starting with fitness or has been...
John Paulson, the famous hedge fund manager who made a fortune betting against the U.S. housing market in 2008, is cautioning investors to stay away from cryptocurrencies. Paulson has been quite vocal in his criticism of cryptocurrencies, calling them a skeptical mania and a bubble that is destined to eventually burst. Paulson, who founded the multi-billion dollar hedge fund Paulson & Co., hasn’t changed his mind about cryptocurrencies...